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Charles Darwin School

Student Wellbeing

Please see below useful apps you can use:

 NHS Go:  Health information and advice for young people in London.  Incudes health guide and a list of local services.  Free to use.

  Hub of Hope:  App to pin-point wellbeing services in your area by typing in postcode.  Free to use.

Headspace:  Mediation app helping to improve focus and reduce stress.  Free trial and then cost to use app.

 Self-help Anxiety Management (SAM):  For anxiety – includes a tracker to help you understand things that make you anxious, whilst the self-help toolkit allows you to learn new skills around anxiety management.  Free to use.

 Moodometer:  Allows you track and understand influences behind your mood – acts like a diary.  This App can be useful to help identify triggers that can impact your low mood and suggest ways in which to lift it.  Free to use.

  Grief:  Support for young people:  For young people between ages of 11-25 who are bereaved and in need of support.  Free to use.

Calm Harm:  Provides tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm.  Free to use.

Clear Fear:  Helping children and young people manage symptoms of anxiety.  CBT focussed learning to reduce physical responses.  Free to use.

 Move Mood:  Helping teenagers manage low mood and depression by taking control and managing tasks.  Free to use.

 Worth Warrior:  To help young people manage negative body image, low self-worth, and related early stage eating difficulties.  Provides a range of helpful activities and information to challenge thinking and change thoughts and emotions, behaviours, and body image issues.  Free to use.

  Stay Alive:  A pocket suicide prevention resource to help keep you safe.  Free to use.

  Rise Up – Eating Disorder App:  For people struggling with food, dieting, exercise, and body image.  Using CBT methods.  Free to use.

 Flora – Habit Tracker:  To help establish focus, lessen phone usage, and build life changing habits.  As you work hard a seed will grow into a health tree – can challenge friends to motivate each other.  Free to use.

 Relax Melodies.  A relaxation and sleep App that allows you to select sounds and melodies that you like and combine them to create a mix.  Lie back, listen, and enjoy falling asleep.  Free to install then contains adverts and in-app purchases.

Below are some helpful links to key pages and platforms for student wellbeing:

Bromley Y Wellbeing Webinar Spring 2025

Mindfulness lunchtime club:Tuesdays -Years 7 and 8; Wednesdays - Years 9 and 10; Thursdays - Year 11 and Sixth Form. Please click here for further information

'Kooth' online mental wellbeing community

Helplines for children and parents/carers during school closure

Maintaining your resilience during school closure plus helplines – for children and parents/carers

Support for victims of domestic abuse document