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Charles Darwin School


Safeguarding at Charles Darwin School

There can be no issue of greater importance to parents and carers, or to schools, than the safety of their children; safeguarding remains high on Ofsted’s agenda and schools are encouraged to give an appropriate high priority to getting their safeguarding procedures right.

There is no reason why good practice in safeguarding should not be a feature of every school; at Charles Darwin School, we are striving for this practice to be recognised as excellent. We comply with requirements and often move beyond them; it is not seen as a burden but as a reasonable and essential part of the fabric of the school; we pay attention to the meticulous and systematic implementation of policies and routines; it involves every member of the school community in some way; and we have a sharp eye on the particular circumstances and needs of all pupils, especially the most vulnerable.

The name of the school’s Safeguarding lead is Mrs Louise Rees. If any member of our community has a concern about a pupil or member of staff’s welfare, they should contact Mrs Rees in the first instance at:  In her absence, the Deputy Safeguarding leads are: Mrs Julie Gater,  Mrs Jo Haywood, and Mrs Rebecca Kearney,


Mrs L. Rees

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs J. Gater

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs J. Haywood

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs R. Kearney

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

The  Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Hartley.

The following policies and documents should reassure parents, carers and pupils that we try our upmost to replicate recognised excellent practice as cited by OFSTED in Safeguarding in schools: best practice September 2011 (revised August 2016). All staff receive a copy of the School's Safeguarding Policy (see below) every September and receive regular and timely updates throughout the year. All staff have also received a copy of "Keeping Children Safe in Education"  since September 2016 as the statutory guidance requests.

Click here for the school's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 

Click here for the Bromley Safeguarding site

Click here for the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) website

Click here for Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance September 2024