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Charles Darwin School


Course Overview 

Photography is only available as an option in Key Stage 5/Sixth Form.

Students will have the opportunity to learn; camera control; studio lighting; how to use specialist equipment; how to use editing software. All the while they will reinforce their understanding of the formal elements and composition and develop their analytical and evaluative skills.
High quality teaching, access to a wide range of industry standard resources, strong subject knowledge and passionate delivery ensures we are able to deliver a high level of learning though project work, problem solving and research. Our aim is to produce confident, articulate and creative learners armed with all the photographic skills necessary to compete for University places or in the workplace.

A level Courses/Topics
Year 12- Learning the art of photography, culminating in an Externally Set Assignment.
Year 13- Personal Investigation and Externally Set Assignment

Why choose the subject? 

• Learn to express yourself creatively
• Learn to problem solve and research
• Experiment with photography technique, extensive professional studio equipment and industry standard editing software
• Develop your ways of seeing the world and your creativity
• Learn skills for life, technical ability and build confidence
• Open doors to a creative future

Common Questions 

Q. What year can I take Photography?
A. Year 12

Q. Can anyone take Photography?
A. Yes, there are no exam grade restrictions but a C or better in English is helpful. It’s more important that you are enthusiastic and want to learn.

Q. What trips are there?
A. Two compulsory visits; usually London and one other plus a biannual residential visit to Paris

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