Food Technology
Course Overview
All pupils will study a unit in the food room in year 7 and 8 within the design technology rotation. The idea is to introduce the importance of a healthy diet, practical skills and basic food hygiene and safety to all pupils fulfilling their entitlement to the subject.
Year 7 topics
• Safety in the kitchen.
• Basic food hygiene.
• Healthy eating.
• Use of the oven, grill and hob.
• How to use a selection of appropriate recipes for practical sessions.
Year 8 topics
• Staple foods using staple cereal crops: wheat, rice, maize, oats.
• Safety in the kitchen.
• Basic food hygiene.
• A selection of appropriate recipes for practical sessions.
Why choose the subject?
• If you have a real interest if food and like working with it.
• You want to work in the catering industry.
• You want to learn some life skills.
• You are organised and like to work in a practical environment.
Q. How often will we be cooking?
A. On average, every week.
Q. Will we have to do homework?
A. Yes, this could be research, practical work or written work.
Q. Are there deadlines?
A. Yes for homework and coursework and during practical lessons.
Q. Do I have to provide the ingredients?
A. In year 7 and 8 there are occasions when ingredients are provided at cost for some practical sessions.
Useful Links
CL Solutions
Hodder Education Revision Notes
British Heart Foundation
Food Safety
Food Standards Agency