Anti Bullying at Charles Darwin School
Need to report you are being bullied ? Please scroll down to see the email to do this. Remember, Charles Darwin school takes the message of Anti bullying seriously. We are here to help you and keep you safe
Please see the school’s Anti-Bullying Charter below:
This was created with feedback following a whole school review with staff, parents and the School Council. This Charter focusses on what we are committed to as a school in the way we respond to bullying when it is reported to us.
This whole school Anti Bullying review has also generated the following:
- A peer support group for support for Year 7 with any concerns around bullying.
This is held on a Monday lunchtime in EN7 and led by the School Council and Senior Prefects. Please go along to this if you have worries about bullying and would feel happy talking to an older student at the school. The students are fully trained in supporting you and helping you move your concern on when needed.
Watch this space as this will be for Year 8 as well after half term until Easter
- An electronic method of reporting bullying via the school website.
If you are being bullied, please have the confidence to report it. You will be listened to.
Click on the link below giving the following information:
- Your name and year group (this is important as we have to direct your concern to the right person)
- A brief description of what is happening to you and by who (don’t worry if you don’t know a name – a description will help us to help you)
- You can put the name of the adult you would like to deal with your concern if you want to – don’t worry, you don’t have to put a name
- Press send and someone will read your email and speak to you in school as soon as possible
Please use the link below to report your bullying |
Do not use this at the weekend or evening if you need a quick response. Remember, it will only be looked at in school hours
If your concern is urgent, please don’t email this inbox. Speak to a trusted adult in or out of school or contact :
- The National Bullying helpline website on or call the Helpline , open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 323 0169 or 0845 225 5787. As a voluntary run organisation, they operate with limited resources and funds. Please be patient if you are unable to get through first time …..but keep trying
- Call Childline on 0800 1111. Advice and guidance can also be found on a lot of things that might be upsetting you on their website
- Charles Darwin School Pastoral , Safeguarding and Wellbeing teams
Please remember to share any bullying concerns asap with a trusted adult in or out of school. The Charter above is there to help you, so please encourage any friends to report bullying and help us to support all of our school community in school and online.
Mrs Rees
Useful Links:
Help With Bullying | Bullying Advice | Kidscape